Cinema 4D features a modern particle system providing an extra layer of creativity for unforgettable scenes.

Cinema 4D features a modern particle system providing an extra layer of creativity for unforgettable scenes.
Virtually any object, material or parameter can be animated. Keyframing can be done manually, with auto-keyframing or parametrically.
Cinema 4D offers a wide range of easy-to-use and reliable animation tools to help you create and animate life-like characters and creatures.
Whether you're animating cars for commercials or VFX this powerful and intuitive Car Rig preset makes it easy to prep a car for power-sliding action.
Create dynamic relationships between objects, generate hair and cloth, or use springs, motors, and aerodynamics to generate spectacular simulations.
Tracking of objects or camera positions is crucial for the integration of 3D elements into footage. C4D offers on-board tools to accomplish this.
Allows you to easily build flexible rigs for any type of character, based on presets for bipeds, quadrupeds and more, all crafted by top animators.
Easily apply motion clips from Adobe’s Mixamo library to your Cinema 4D characters and modify or retarget them in just a few simple steps.
Animate like in Looney Toons. This versatile character rig offers all the features you need to animate cartoon-style.
Capture facial and body movements with our iPhone and iPad app and instantly apply them to your characters in Cinema 4D.
Emit fire, smoke and explosions from any object or Spline from Cinema 4D – bring up the heat!
With the new Unified Simulation System you can achieve more realistic-looking simulations on either the CPU or GPU that are highly multi-threaded.