Based on the incredibly popular plug-in of the same name, Mojo gives your footage the sophisticated color grade of a Hollywood movie.

Based on the incredibly popular plug-in of the same name, Mojo gives your footage the sophisticated color grade of a Hollywood movie.
Film Negative & Film Print Tools Provides the look of various film stocks. These 2 tools work together to emulate the photochemical process of film.
Magic Bullet Looks includes a powerful 3-way color corrector, Hue, Saturation, and Luminance control for individual colors, and a Curves control.
Ranged color correction for Shadows, Midtones, Highlights, along with a Master color wheel that adjusts the whole image.
Import a Look Up Table created in other grading applications, and extend it with additional Looks tools.
Add or remove vignetting with this powerful tool. Results mimic real-world lenses, and you can optionally reposition the center of the vignette.
Magic Bullet Looks includes the ability to work with reference stills to inform color correction decisions.
A more intuitive and fluid way of controlling your color correction tools, Trackpad Mode lets you interact with Looks using your computer’s trackpad.
The new Source tool sits at the front of the toolchain so that you can tell it what type of footage you are working with (Log, SLog2, Flat and more).
Reflection’s visual user interface makes it easy to grab on the effect and take control.
One of the unique, powerful aspects of Fade and Softness is its ability to blur and fade the reflection as it gets further from the source.
Reflection makes it easy to manage both the scale and offsets for more convincing (or stylized) results.