Supercomp's layers are easy to read at a glance. Quickly access the complete set of effects through a radial menu for fast application and results.

Supercomp's layers are easy to read at a glance. Quickly access the complete set of effects through a radial menu for fast application and results.
With the Supercomp Panel, you can view your full composite, or you can drill all the way down to a single selected effect.
Unlike standard After Effects layers and effects, in Supercomp, all layers and effects applied are aware of changes to other layers in a composite.
Supercomp supports three different layer types: Normal, Additive, and Displacement. Each layer type has its own set of effects and presets.
With Layer Presets, you can apply multiple Supercomp effects at once to get a starting point or even an instant final result.
Most controls in Supercomp can be animated. Just right-click on a parameter and select Add Keyframe.
No matter what the bit-depth of your After Effects project, Supercomp always works in 32-bit float, with proper gamma management.
All 17 of the effects in Supercomp are GPU-Accelerated, giving you fast feedback and renders.
No more having to remember what you did when opening an older project, or trying to figure out what someone else did when you inherit a project.
Supercomp offers powerful Color Correction. Once you set your black level, no subsequent adjustments will alter the black values of the layer.
We have added a "Match Background" button. Supercomp uses it to instantly match the black and white points of the underlying layers.
Supercomp offers 28 color spaces that support popular cameras such as the Arri Alexa, Blackmagic Pocket Cinema, Canon, RED, and more.